16 Reasons I'm Loving My Leadpages Website

Cori Willis

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I finally made the switch and haven't looked back! 

After struggling for 8 years in my business with my website, I finally switched to Leadpages Sites - and have never looked back.  I’ve had Leadpages for years and have loved it the whole time.  Years ago they added website functionality for free to every Leadpages plan. 

But, I waited.  That was a mistake.

Can I be honest? 

I just got tired of struggling with WordPress…and hosting that gets more expensive every year…and plugins…and updates…and themes…and templates…and security add-ons…and hiring the wrong people to work on it, and...and, and, and.

When I finally got serious about upleveling my online presence, I looked at Leadpages sites again.  With my Leadpages plan, I get 3 free websites.

So, why did it take me so long to make the switch?

I didn’t jump on it because I was still wanting to fight every week with WordPress or SquareSpace (I’ve tried a fewwww things that didn’t give me any peace). I felt like I had to use one of the big names to be taken seriously. But, my website remained seriously a mess. It was always under construction.

Before I switched, I was writing a course about indecision, and there was a section I included on the Sunk-Cost Fallacy, and a lightbulb went off. As I wrote that section, I realized that this was the exact reason I was stuck on WordPress. The sunk-cost fallacy describes a suboptimal result that comes about because we irrationally stick with something just because we’ve already sunk investment into it, like time, energy, money, or other resources.

Well, I’d done just that! I spent money on lifetime deals, plugins, years of hosting, templates, fiverr contractors, and the list goes on. I’d spent countless hours working on, fretting over, or being paralyzed by my website. But, I was caught up in the sunk-cost fallacy, and creating this section of my course brought it front and center.

The moment I realized what I’d been doing, making the decision to change became instantly easy. I stopped trying to salvage the WordPress wreckage. Within one hour of deciding to use Leadpages Sites, I had a new website up and functioning.

I canceled my hosting, which was about to renew for $344/year, plus $60/year per website for “security upgrades.” I canceled some plugins I’d been paying for forever. I felt lighter suddenly - and richer.

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Here’s What I’m Loving Now About Leadpages Sites

They are included free with every Leadpages plan.  

Not only is Leadpages a leader in conversion-focused landing page builders, but each account also comes with 1-5 included websites.  If you run multiple sites, businesses, or signature programs, like I do, these extra sites come in handy.

They are low-tech, drag & drop.

Whatever high-tech magic happens, it happens behind the scenes.  They handle all of that - unlike WordPress, where I needed a PhD just to login…not really, but really.

Setting it up was FAST!

When I finally decided to use Leadpages sites, I had a website up & running in one hour.  You can pick a design, add your branding details, add your email carrier if you have one, get or transfer your domain, and launch in no time flat.  It took me an hour.  Let’s assume someone has to play around with things a bit, maybe 2-3 hours?

They have great templates.

There are a few dozen website and landing page templates to choose from.  I picked one I liked enough and modified a few things with the drag & drop editor.  I added my colors, which are shared with my landing pages.  My fonts also were shared between the landing page builder and my website.  They also have section templates to interchange sections of both landing pages and websites.  I pulled over some images to my website that were shared with my landing pages, and my website was published and live in under an hour.

I can link easily between my website pages and landing pages.

This is one advantage of using Leadpages and Leadpages Sites together, everything is connected.  No Zaps, no searching for links to embed in other platforms, no plugins, etc.. 

Even when I used WordPress, I still used Leadpages as my landing page builder because I think it is the best.  I could design easily on Leadpages and embed those pages into my WordPress.  To do that, I had to use a plugin, which was easy, yes, but still had to be managed.  When I Switched to LP Sites, everything was right there and on a shared dashboard.

My customers also can move seamlessly between my websites and various landing pages or opt-in boxes.

Their analytics are just enough.

Leadpages has focused on improving analytics and the user dashboard tremendously.  It collects and displays a lot of very helpful information.  Yet, it is not overwhelming, complicated, or busy.  Previous websites I’ve used had such complicated analytics dashboards that it became unhelpful.  

Leadpages also gives me a list of my leads’ emails right on the dashboard.  This is great if you don’t yet have an email list.  When you do get your list, you can export those leads over to your email service provider (ESP).

I don’t have to buy separate web hosting.

I have paid thousands of dollars to my hosting company for years, and it just keeps getting more and more expensive.  Leadpages Sites are hosted for free on Leadpages.  LP is also known for its super-fast loading speed and agility; so, it competes with the big hosting brands..  I don’t have to worry about conflicting plugins slowing down my site, trouble-shooting the admin dashboard, and other things that kept me from enjoying other platforms.

I don’t have to BE or HIRE an IT person.

Some people love that stuff.  I don’t.  I don’t want to have to be an IT person or learn to code, just to sell my stuff.  Like, I said, whatever high-tech magic happens, it happens behind the scenes.  Whatever problems there may be with the platform are between Leadpages and Jesus - and they keep me out of it.  Hallelujah.

Their customer service is top-notch.

The few times I’ve had to contact support, it was only to ask about upgrading or downgrading my plan, adding sub-accounts, and that sort of stuff.  They helped me design my agency strategy.  I honestly haven’t had any tech or functionality problems with the platform.  But, they have been extremely responsive with what I have needed.

They have weekly live coaching & design calls. 

Several times per month, they offer live coaching with their resident professional copywriters and design experts.  I have joined a couple of sessions right before launches, and they walk through my pages and give great feedback.  They also tell me why they are suggesting something, based on their understanding of thousands and thousands of pages.

They offer instant, on-page writing & design assistance.

Leadpages has introduced AI headline assistance and their LeadMeter.  With the AI assistant, you can get different, AI-generated headlines to improve your copy. 

With the LeadMeter, you can see how strong (likely to convert) your entire landing page or opt-in boxes are.  If they aren’t maximized, the LeadMeter tells you what you might want to change.  Then I can choose to accept the suggestions or not. 

Again, this is based on sound copywriting principles and LP’s experience across thousands of high- and low-converting sales pages.

I can host & deliver my lead magnets automatically.

I have several lead magnets and I let Leadpages host and deliver some of them for me.  However, most of mine are still delivered via my email funnels. 

This capability is important because, when I’m designing an opt-in box, LP asks me which lead magnet I want the customer to receive if they opt in.  There’s no funnel, no Zaps, no thinking about it again.  Then LP drops the person into my email list provider account.

They offer blogging capability.

The one thing WordPress is known for is blogging capabilities.  Leadpages doesn’t offer this…directly.  While you can have thousands of blog posts on WordPress, for example, you are limited with Leadpages.  Leadpages is best if you have 10-20 signature blog posts or articles.  On Leadpages SItes, you can have up to 100 pages.  So, theoretically, they could all be blog posts. 

There are 3rd party ways to increase blog capabilities right on Leadpages, to embed your Medium blog, or to link out to a blog hosted elsewhere, including WordPress.

I choose to use the signature/pillar content strategy.  However, if I ever need more than, say, 90 blog posts, I will use a third party or embedded solution.

They come with several conversion-optimization features.

Included with various plans are text capabilities.  Like, if I’m speaking from stage, I can tell my audience to text me at a certain number and Leadpages will start them into my funnels.  They have alert bars.  Those are the colorful bars you see at the top of many websites that tell viewers of something special happening now, like a flash sale or open enrollment, for example.

Leadpages integrates easily with other platforms I use.

It takes minutes to set up integrations with other platforms, like my email, and course portal.

I can host a basic course on Leadpages.

Now, LP is not a gated course portal in any way - yet.  But, if I take a hidden landing page or website page, I can host videos, text, images, audios, documents, and any other course content.  Then, after people buy, just email them the link to the hidden page.  I do this.  I also took a course like this once and was amazed at how seamless the experience was and how comprehensive the course was. 

While I don’t recommend this for a signature course, it could easily work for a free or low- to mid-tier course.  The course I bought was $197 and was hosted on three connected, hidden Leadpages pages.

Get Leadpages & Sites

Get the easiest website builder and landing page combo I've found so far.

So, Who Is Leadpages Sites NOT for?

Sites may not be for you, if you love WordPress and its design functionality.  If moving pages, sliding text, and multiple layers are important for you, you will find LP Sites limited.  While, LP does have text effects, layers, and more to create beautiful pages, it cannot compete with the design-centric WordPress.

Sites may not be for you, if you need bells & whistles, thousands of integrations, and other add-ons, then Leadpages Sites will feel limited.

SItes may not be for you if you are a heavy blogger.  While you can add dozens of blog posts and pillar/signature content, or embed 3rd party blogging functionality, LP doesn’t market itself as the top solution for active or heavy bloggers.  What they currently recommend for heavy bloggers is that you use Leadpages as your front-end website, and then link to just your blog on WordPress.

Other than these few exceptions, I think Leadpages Sites is a clean, simple, data-driven, website offering that I’m loving because I want to spend more time serving my clients than fretting over my website.  This gives me peace, which is priceless.

"Leadpages Sites gives me peace
and that's priceless"

- Cori Willis

Get Leadpages & Sites

Get the easiest website builder and landing page combo I've found so far.